Spendenaktion 🐶💪🌳 Unser Ziel ist es, nicht nur ein weiterer Onlineshop zu sein, sondern ein Ort, an dem jeder Einkauf dazu beiträgt, die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen! 10% unserer monatlichen Gesamtgewinne werden an gemeinnützige Organisationen (z.B. Tierschutz, Umweltschutz, Armut bekämpfen) gespendet. Und das jeden Monat! Mit jedem Kauf, den Sie tätigen, unterstützen Sie also nicht nur uns, sondern auch diejenigen, die es am meisten brauchen. ! 🙏🦅👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Our history

The motto of one of our founders is "Your only limit is your mind" - for this store it means that only your mind is your limit in life and there are no other limits! So always do what you want to do and realize your dreams! Our vision is to be one of the big players with our store 🦅 - and to donate 10% of the total profit to charitable organizations every month! 🙏 Just imagine - e.g. Amaz*n would do that :)

About us: We are a team (🚀) of (so far) two creative people who are passionate about selling and advising and claim that we can do it. We strive to offer our customers the best possible service and the products they want!

Follow us on our social media pages to send us your must-have's and desired products - that you would like to see in our store! 🫶 As a result - and through our activities - more and more products are added!

Our store is innovative and offers the right thing for every target group! We are proud to offer a wide range of products, from A for Amaz*n to O for O**o. So shopping here is the be-all and end-all 😉

We believe that everyone has the right to buy anything they want, and our slogan "Limitless Shopping" reflects exactly that. 💯

Our company is located in Germany in beautiful Bavaria/Lower Franconia. We strive to offer our customers (you) an unforgettable shopping experience and look forward to welcoming you to our store!

If you have any questions, please contact us via the contact form or at elsi.market@outlook.de - and of course also via Instagram/TikTok: elsi.market

Thanks to ALL who are with us on this journey! ♥